Implants and implantology

9 Mar

Questions most frequently asked concerning Implants and Implantology:

Are removable dentures unavoidable when a large number of teeth are missing?
Is it necessary to prepare two or more healthy teeth in order to place a bridge and restore one or more missing teeth?
Must full dentures “hang” in the air, constantly threatening to move from their place and fall out?

Owing to dental implants, the answer to all the above questions is – NO.

Why dental implants?

Dental implants restore the roots of missing teeth. They are placed into the bone and may hold ceramic crowns, as well as other elements (magnets, attachments...), helping to solve different aesthetic problems in the mouth, for example, to stabilize a denture (removable prosthetic appliance). Dental implants are, therefore, a great breakthrough in improving patients’ quality of life!!!

What do they look like and what are they made of?

Dental implants are shaped like natural dental roots and made of such biocompatible materials (titanium) that our immune system may not recognize them as a foreign body.

How are they placed?

Implant placement is a painless and short surgical procedure. Most often the procedure is performed under local anaesthetic, but at the patient’s request or doctor’s recommendation, CEREC CENTAR can provide short-term sedation. After implantation, a certain period of time should pass before implants can be burdened by prosthetic elements.

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